By Kathryn Brunner, Founder of Musik at Home, LLC
Do you know what you'll be doing tomorrow?
If you ask me that question, I'd say, "I usually have a vague idea of what I'll accomplish tomorrow...unless I plan it!"
Yes, I often try to hold all the moving pieces in my head, and some days I can do it with skill. Other days, not so much.
As a homeschooling, work at home mom, I have many hats to juggle.
Like you, I'm a busy momma!
I've found that my most productive days are the ones that I plan out on paper in my own handwriting!
Planning on paper empowers me to invest in the things that I truly prioritize including my children's music education.
If you look at my planner, you'll see Musik at Home classes, piano and violin practice every day. If I don't plan it, it just might not happen.
I started using Beth Anne Schwamberger's Brilliant Life Planner in January 2017.
It was by far the most productive year I had ever had for my personal goal, work goals and my goals for my children's education.
Not only is the planner itself amazing, Beth Anne includes her motivating course called "Planner School" with the purchase of every Brilliant Life Planner.
After the first lesson of Planner School, I had planned out a high level vision for where I wanted to be in the next five years in my family life, spiritual life, work life and health journey.
Planner school is literally "brilliant!"
Now, I'm over two years into my five year goals and I am hitting them one step at a time.
I get teary eyed when I think about where I was, where I am now and where I want to be in the next 3 years. I couldn't be more grateful for the time I took do that vision casting.
Now, I have a confession to make...oh man, I'm a little embarrassed about this one.
After using the Brilliant Life Planner for two years in a row and loving it, I got a little side tracked this year.
I thought I might try to go without it in 2019. GASP!
Okay, so it's on the expensive side for a planner at $58 and I rationalized that I could get by just using up some of my blank pages from last year's planner.
Oh was I wrong. By the end of February this year, I could see that I was getting nowhere fast. I was scattered with my goals. I didn't have a clear picture of my priorities on paper.
I knew what I had to do. I ordered my Brilliant Life Planner in the beginning of March and I am now happily back in the land of productivity!
Now, I can say without a doubt, The Brilliant Life Planner is my very favorite planner. From here on out, there's no turing back! It's worth the investment!
Get ready! The bonus reveal is moments away. Keep reading...or just scroll down! :-)
What's inside the Brilliant Life Planner?
The planner is laid out in three fantastic sections for each month.
First there's the monthly overview with a side column for writing down particular areas of focus.
Second, I love the open space given each week for planning my weekly top priorities. I use this space for overall goals and reminders for who I need to connect with each week.
Not only that, third, the Brilliant Life Planner helps me schedule my daily homeschool tasks, work tasks and personal tasks in real time with the next section.
The vertical time blocking page is where I plan my daily homeschool schedule.
Every Sunday evening I write down what I will cover each day that week. This includes which books we will read, what copy work we will do, which math chapter we will tackle, etc.
All I have to do is glance at my daily tasks on these pages and then the homeschool day is off and running.
Last but certainly not least, it's beautiful! I love the floral designs Beth Anne creates. She is super talented at what she does!
When I order from Beth Anne, I know her heart is behind everything I'm getting.
When you sign up to connect with me, Kathryn, here at Musik at Home, you'll also get access to a brand new summer music board game I made to help your child learn rhythm basics! I hope you love it!
My goal is to share resources with you that will help you thrive at home and help your child hit big music-making goals!
Blogger and author, Crystal Paine, shares about her experience with the Brilliant Life Planner. Click play to see how Crystal plans her week!