Happy Kids Make Music Contest

Posted by Kathryn Brunner on

 By Kathryn Brunner, Founder of Musik at Home, LLC

Making musical memories together is one of life's sweetest joys. 

This summer, it's time to beat the heat and make use of your Musik at Home membership! Musik at Home classes can be done indoors in the cool A/C! 

Our classes also go with you wherever your summer travels may take you. 

Most parents know music education is a good thing, but did you know it has the power to create new and stronger thinking pathways in your child's brain? 

There's no other activity quite like music education! 

While you and your child are having fun dancing, singing, and playing, your child's musical foundation will begins to flourish.

Your child's vocabulary will begin to grow with exposure to the language in all of the songs in class. New motor and coordination skills will be attained. 

Your child's brain will develop by leaps and bounds because musical play actively engages both hemispheres of the brain at the same time.

As songs and skills are repeated, new pathways are formed in the brain for creative thinking as messages travel from one side of the brain to the other.

Music education has been shown to establish faster connections in the brain resulting in quicker, more creative thought patterns. 

Now is the time to jump in and have some musik-making fun with your little! 

I am thrilled to announce the WINNER of the CONTEST!

CONGRATULATIONS TO MYRA F.!!! Myra has won a $100 gift card to the Musik at Home store. Everyone who participated is receiving a special email with a prize inside. 

Your kids will LOVE the instruments and cds in our store. You'll love the parent books that make your child's Musik at Home experience even more rich, beautiful and educational!



Now through August 14, prizes will be awarded each week. That's four weeks of prizes!

It's simple to enter! 

1. In order to participate, you need to be a member of Musik at Home. Click here to get a free 30 day membership trial. You may participate in the contest even during a free trial! 

2. Enter to win contest prizes using the rafflecopter form below.

3. Each Wednesday of the contest, new entries will appear on the rafflecopter form. The more times you enter, the greater your chance of winning! 

What's required? 

Complete one Musik at Home class per week! 

This is the only mandatory entry for winning a prize. All of the other entries will increase your odds of winning! In order to win the grand prize during the 4th week, all four Musik at Home classes must be entered on the rafflecopter form.

A winner will be chosen each Wednesday night of the contest.  

Week #1 Prize

Your choice of an instrument Kit Including a scarf, shaker/rattle, 2 rhythm sticks and an adorable cloth bag ($18.95 Value, Shipping rates apply) or a $15 gift card to the Musik at Home store. 

Week #2 Prize

Your choice of an instrument Kit including 2 scarves, 2 sets of rhythm sticks, 2 jingles, 2 bean bags and a cloth bag ($29.99 Value, Shipping rates apply) or a $25 gift card to the Musik at Home store. 

Week #3 Prize

$30 gift card to the Musik at Home store

Week #4 Grand Prize

$100 gift card to the Musik at Home store. 

I can't wait for you to see how much progress your child can make by simply completing four Musik at Home classes.

It's astounding to see our littles grow and learn. Before you know it, your child will have patterns and songs memorized! New skills will show up in all other realms of life after completing Musik at Home classes. 

Class materials make the class experience rich and rewarding for your child. 

Please reach out to me in the Musik at Home Members Facebook Group with any questions. 

Enter here:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  • I would love to win an instrument kit!

    Elisabeth on
  • I would love to win an instrument kit.

    Judith Martinez on
  • I would love to win an instrument kit! :)

    Miranda on
  • So glad to hear it, Mary and Myra! Thanks for participating in the contest! Good luck!

    Kathryn Brunner on
  • I would love to win the $100 gift card.

    Myra on
  • Would love to win one of the gift cards! We have been loving “music time” at our house!

    Mary on

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