Contributing writer, Stephanie Weidle holds a Master of Music in Vocal Performance from the New England Conservatory. She is a licensed and certified Musikgarten instructor. She is a wife and a mom of a beautiful baby girl.
No longer do tired mamas have to venture out for a dynamic music class experience! Musik at Home is an awesome, upbeat program for both parents and children! It incorporates singing and dancing to stimulate your child’s musical development.
Kathryn Brunner, expert piano teacher and early music education specialist, has brought Musikgarten’s Family Music for Babies into the home with her video series Musik at Home. Her unique, sparkling personality shines through the screen as she guides parents and babies in singing, tapping, and dancing.

For the past few years I have taught Musikgarten’s Musik Makers at the Keyboard group piano class for ages 5+. For children who have grown up practicing the rhythmic and melodic concepts taught in Musik at Home, learning the piano is much easier. The child already has a sense of the beat and an ear for the solfege, upon which all music is built.
Musik at Home gives parents a body of songs to easily grab during the day, whether to calm their unhappy child or engage their already happy child! Kathryn encourages the parents to sing to their babies as much as possible, even when at home.
When my daughter was within her first 6 months of life, I was so tired that I forgot that singing and intentional tapping and movement might actually help my wailing daughter. This was a terrible oversight as I am a professional singer and teacher! However, I didn’t have that large grab bag of easy songs readily in my mind that I could call upon when I was so tired. I wish Musik at Home had been available in those first months!

For parents who are striving to maintain a screen-free home for their babies, Musik at Home may be used as a parental teaching device rather than a class for their baby. Or, simply conduct the classes as the video plays while you keep the screen out of site.
I highly recommend Musik at Home to parents looking for a fun, uplifting way to spend productive, energizing time at home with their child.
Oh wow! You have an online music program?! My kids will love this. We’ll have to get some of the instruments for my son’s birthday! Thank you for making this available! :)